El coder glevand a creaddo un CFW 3.55 para poder arrancar directamente nuestras consolas PS3 en Petitboot, una vez que nuestra PS3 a arrancado nos dara las opciones de poder poner la PS3 en GameOS o Linux.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]AQUI UNA DECLARCIÓN:About Glevand's Cold Boot:
Got cold boot working on PS3 Slim
My theory was right, i patched the initial GOS loader in process 9 of LPAR1 and it works now.
I can cold boot my petitboot with just pressing power button once.
Mega cool I can wakeup my PS3 with Ethernet Wake-On-LAN magic packet and if OtherOS flag is set then my PS3 slim cold boots petitboot Just like old times when we had old OtherOS.
Yay, i'm even able to cold boot my Linux with the PS button on my PS3 controller.
Yeah, with SS patch.
I can upload my ps3mfw patch so you could build your own FW without SS patch if you want.
@glevand from AlexPS3 - Yes thanks, I have 9 ps3,8 with linux and 1 with linux/games (I have CDs, not backups), with SS path has problems with trophies.
@AlexPS3 - I added the new option --patch-lv1-otheros-plus-plus-cold-boot-fix to patch_lv1.tcl
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]CFW 3.55 Otheros ColdBoot into Petitboot
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